Our experienced and skilled engineers make sure that you enjoy the perks of solar energy seamlessly

Our Offerings

See what we’ve got for you

Industrial sector

Reduce your manufacturing costs by lowering the electricity bills. Our customized systems will help you get sustainable energy. You can empower your industry with efficiency and energy independence. Also, you can mitigate the impact of rising energy costs.

Usually, industries consume vast amounts of electricity. Solar panels can significantly reduce energy bills while lowering carbon emissions.

Household sector

Solar panels are revolutionizing the household by putting energy independence within reach. The solar panels reduce reliance on conventional electricity providers. Families can also store excess electricity in batteries. This will help them during the night or when the days are cloudy, ensuring a steady power supply.

Commercial sector

Businesses consume vast amounts of electricity for operations, lighting, and HVAC systems. Solar energy can significantly aid them to cut energy costs. This will empower them to enhance sustainability. With government incentives and tax benefits, the initial investment becomes more affordable.

Agricultural sector

Farms often need substantial energy for irrigation, equipment, and storage. Solar panels offer a reliable solution. reduced electricity costs and lower bills can make farms more self-sustainable.

Solar panels can be installed in remote areas, where it is challenging to reach conventional grids. Moreover, the excess energy can be sold back to the grid, creating an additional income stream. They not only help farms to self-sustain but also preserve nature at its finest.

Our Services

New Genix’s true accomplishment is the trust it gained from offering the best services. We provide complete on-grid, off-grid, and hybrid solar solutions. Our solar energy systems reflect the idea of sophistication and sustainability.

New Genix - New Genix Solar System Installer in Pakistan

How it works

With New Genix, you can get your Solar Power System running in 4 easy steps


Site survey

New Genix has engineers who are one in a million. They survey the site and take notes with proficiency. We scan the area where the solar system has to be installed. Then we look at its security as well. This paves the path for further procedure



After taking keen observations, our engineers sketch the tailored solar system. We analyze your requirements and design a system that suits your house the best.



Installing the solar system requires proficiency at its best. We know the dos and don’ts of this very important step. It requires the most skilled persons. Luckily, we have a few.



Solar systems are no less than a Bifrost when it comes to durability. But still, it needs proper inspection after some time. We provide proper monitoring of our solar systems for 2 years. This includes maintenance, any repairs, or replacements of hardware.

Our Accomplishments

Our Projects

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Solar Installed

0 KW+

Our Clients

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New Genix Solar

-A perfect fit for your home

New Genix - New Genix Solar System Installer in Pakistan

95% reduction in electricity bills

New Genix - New Genix Solar System Installer in Pakistan

Lithium batteries

New Genix - New Genix Solar System Installer in Pakistan


New Genix - New Genix Solar System Installer in Pakistan

Energy storage

New Genix - New Genix Solar System Installer in Pakistan

Return on investment

New Genix - New Genix Solar System Installer in Pakistan

Clean and renewable energy

Pioneers of Illumination

Our Fortunate Trades

Our happy customers are the witness of our expertise

Endorsements by our clients

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